PH01000424G0770's details annotation 1.Annotation ICBR annotation: GPI transamidase component Gpi16 subunit family protein, putative, expressed
Blast result AT3G07140 : 0.00E+00 Blast annotation: GPI transamidase component Gpi16 subunit family protein 2.Location Scaffold: PH01000424 Strand: - Region | Start | End | gene | 455345 | 460052 | mRNA | 455345 | 460052 | exon | 455345 | 455401 | exon | 455988 | 456168 | exon | 456294 | 456443 | exon | 456637 | 457830 | exon | 459289 | 460052 | CDS | 455379 | 455401 | CDS | 455988 | 456168 | CDS | 456294 | 456443 | CDS | 456637 | 457830 | CDS | 459289 | 459522 |
UCSC genome browser 3.Network  4.Functional module Method | Module ID | Function Annotation | coexpression network | CFinderM000862 | DBP Transcription_Regulator(from iTAK) Golgi stack, GPI-anchor transamidase complex,
5.Cis-elements Details in 3kb promoter region 6.Expression profilings
7.Gene family
8.Protein domain Pfam Accession | Pfam Annotation | Alignment Start | Alignment Start | PF04113.13 | Gpi16 | 21 | 585 |
9.KEGG Pathway Pathway | KEGG Ortholog | Pathway ID | KO | Glycosylphosphatidylinositol(GPI)-anchor biosynthesis | phosphatidylinositol glycan, class T | ko00563 | K05292 |
10.Gene Ontology GO Accession | GO Annotation | GO:0016255 | attachment of GPI anchor to protein | GO:0042765 | GPI-anchor transamidase complex |