PH01000778G0130's details annotation 1.Annotation ICBR annotation: drought induced 19 protein, putative, expressed
Blast result AT3G05700 : 7.30E-24 Blast annotation: Drought-responsive family protein 2.Location Scaffold: PH01000778 Strand: + Region | Start | End | gene | 76151 | 79748 | mRNA | 76151 | 79748 | exon | 76151 | 76622 | exon | 76720 | 76925 | exon | 78279 | 78356 | exon | 78484 | 78764 | exon | 79362 | 79748 | CDS | 76547 | 76622 | CDS | 76720 | 76925 | CDS | 78279 | 78356 | CDS | 78484 | 78764 | CDS | 79362 | 79470 |
UCSC genome browser 3.Network  4.Functional module Method | Module ID | Function Annotation | coexpression network | CFinderM001219 | Jumonji Transcription_Regulator(from iTAK) NAC Transcription_Regulator(from PlantTFDB)
| coexpression network | CFinderM001392 | nuclear origin of replication recognition complex, Terpenoid_backbone_biosynthesis NAC Transcription_Regulator(from PlantTFDB) isoprenoid biosynthetic process, DNA_replication protein dephosphorylation,
| coexpression network | CFinderM001393 | nuclear origin of replication recognition complex, response to desiccation, Terpenoid_backbone_biosynthesis isoprenoid biosynthetic process, protein dephosphorylation, DNA_replication
5.Cis-elements ![](picture/motif.png)
Details in 3kb promoter region 6.Expression profilings
7.Gene family
8.Protein domain Pfam Accession | Pfam Annotation | Alignment Start | Alignment Start | PF05605.11 | zf-Di19 | 64 | 116 | PF14571.5 | Di19_C | 136 | 246 |
9.KEGG Pathway Pathway | KEGG Ortholog | Pathway ID | KO | null | null | null | null |
10.Gene Ontology GO Accession | GO Annotation | null | null |