Motif analysis of co-expression genes

Sequence Scan: Please input a fasta sequence of promoter, we'll return back all the motifs present in this sequence: (One fasta sequence per task):


Name Scan:
Please input a list of bamboo gene names, and we'll extract all these genes promoter sequences (3000bp upstream), then show each motif and its frequency, users can also significantly analyze these motifs, and a job ID will generate.
1.Please input a list of gene names ( Example:Phyllostachys edulis)

2.Input your Email ID please (required)

3.Select one species please


Submit your job ID: you can look back on you previous significant analysis result.


Custom motif Scan:
Please input a list of bamboo gene names and the motif sequences you interested, we'll extract all these genes promoter sequence (3000bp upstream), then show each motif's frequency and significant analysis result.
1.Please input a list of gene names Example:Phyllostachys edulis

2.Please input motifs splited by ":" , Example: TTAATGG:A[AC][ATCG]ATGGC

3.Please select species


Submit your job ID: you can look back on you previous significant analysis result.

Maintained by Xuelian Ma - Zhen Su's Lab - China Agricultural University
© 2017 All Rights Reserved.