About WheatCENet


Our WheatCENet database for four species, namely Triticum aestivum (AABBDD), Triticum dicoccoides (AABB), Triticum urartu (AA), Aegilops tauschii (DD). Below is the detail information for using our WheatCENet database.

1.Gene search (click here)

2.Co-expression Network analysis (including network search and network comparison)

(1) Network search (click here)

(2) Network comparison (click here)

(3) Ortholog network search (click here)

(4) How to use the local version of cytoscape to draw the network (click here)

(5) For all types of network search (click here)

3.Module search (click here)

4.Functional annotaion and Tools

(1) For Functional annotaion (click here)

(2) For tools (click here)

5.Contact us:

Zhen Su's Lab introduction:http://bioinformatics.cau.edu.cn/ZhenSuLab/. For any questions, comments or suggestions about our website, please contact us: lzq2688@cau.edu.cn , and  zhensu@cau.edu.cn.