GSEA analysis

There are four species ( T.aestivum(Chinese spring), T.dicoccoides(zavitan), T.urartu(G1812), Ae.tauschii(AL8/78)) you can blast .
Please choose parameters to use GSEA toolkit:

Users can submit a list of gene sets for overlap computing.

Choose Species

Choose Gene Sets

G1:GO gene sets
BP:GO biological process  CC:GO cellular component  MF:GO molecular function
G2:Gene Family Based gene sets
G3:Curated gene sets
PlantCyc:PlantCyc gene sets KEGG:KEGG gene sets PlantReactome:PlantReactome gene sets
G4:Motif gene sets
MIR:MicroRNA Targets TFT:Transcription Factor Targets
G5:Other ontology gene sets
TO:Trait Ontology gene sets  PO:Plant Ontology gene sets

Submit Your Query

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Choose Background

Suggested background (Whole genome level)
Customized background

Parameter Select(optional):